Friday, January 14, 2022


 Acrylic on board, 9x12". Been Awhile.

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

World Peace Card Monthly Meditation

 Created by William Rand, this is a worldwide event that anyone can participate in. (visit this site for the scoop).

So I participated tonite, here's a photo of my set-up. Drumming, music, prayers, and reiki sent to the center of the earth, and the hearts of all beings on the planet. It was sweet, I am happy to have participated.

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Just an Ordinary Day

 I have the prettiest ceiling!

Saturday, January 08, 2022

Not Exactly Daily...

 something from this morning. steam rising from the fence, sun causing lens flare, which I like.

Monday, January 03, 2022

A Haiku from Me to You

 Purple and gray hat,

the sky and I, whistling

as winter blusters.

Saturday, January 01, 2022

I'm New!

 Teehee, we got a new year! (fyi teehee is old school for lol)

A fresh page/new leaf/new start/opportunity for all. 

And in that light, 2 photos today. 

hmmm will not allow text to flow around images, or i don't know how. oh well.